The Best “Cure-All” on the Planet

Category : Articles


I’m borrowing this article from David Kekich; it’s a summary of sorts of Bruce Lipton’s Biology of Belief. If you haven’t read it yet, this will prompt you to do so.

The Best “Cure All” on the Planet

By David Kekich, Contributing Editor of Beauty, Health and Longevity… offers regular updates and reports on the newest cutting-edge anti-aging, health and beauty steps anyone can take, as well as developing technologies designed to restore one’s youth.

By now, you must know “You are what you think about.” And if you’ve been listening to me long enough, you know your thoughts affect every one of your trillions of cells. Your cells communicate with one another, and what you eat, drink and breathe affects all your cells as well.
You are basically the sum total of your cells. Your cells’ lives are controlled by the physical and energetic environment, and not by their genes. You can even modify your genes without changing their basic blueprint by modifying their environment through changes in your diet, emotions, toxins, stress. And guess what? Those modifications can be passed on to your future generations.

Understanding how your cells respond to your thoughts and perceptions illuminates your path to personal empowerment. This largely determines how you look and feel and how long you live. In fact, only about 5 percent of cancer and cardiovascular patients can attribute their disease to heredity.

In his best-selling book, Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton describes how biology’s central dogma, that your genes control your life, contains one fatal flaw – genes cannot turn themselves on or off.

When cells are ailing, look first to the cell’s environment for the cause, not to the cell itself. In a healthy environment, cells thrive. They falter in sub-optimal environments. The flow of information in biology starts with an environmental signal, then goes to a regulatory protein which goes to your DNA, RNA, and the end result, a protein.

Dr. Lipton points out the true brain that controls cellular life is the cell’s membrane. The real secret of life does not lie in the famed double helix. It lies in understanding the elegantly simple biological mechanisms of the membrane – the mechanisms by which your body translates environmental signals, including your thoughts, into behavior.

Think of the cell membrane as the equivalent of a silicon chip. Compare the workings of your cells to your personal computer. They are both programmable, and the programmer lies outside the cells. You are the programmer, whether you do it consciously or unconsciously. The cell nucleus is simply a memory disk, a hard drive containing the DNA programs that encode the production of proteins, which in turn govern your biochemistry. Data is entered into the cell via the cell’s receptors, which represent the cell’s “keyboard.” Receptors trigger the membrane’s effector proteins which act as the cell’s Central Processing Unit (CPU). The CPU’s effector proteins convert environmental information into the behavioral language of biology. You have the ability to edit the data you enter into your biocomputers just as surely as I can choose these words I type.

And you do it with the world’s best “cure all”, your mind.

The seemingly separate subdivisions of the mind, the conscious and subconscious, are interdependent. The conscious mind is the creative one that can conjure up positive thoughts. In contrast, the subconscious mind is a repository of stimulus-response tapes derived from instincts and learned experiences. The actions of your subconscious mind are reflexive in nature and are not governed by reason or thinking. It is strictly habitual; it will play the same behavioral responses to life’s signals over and over again. How many times have you found yourself going ballistic over something trivial like another driver cutting you off in traffic? That’s an example of a simple stimulus-response of a behavior program stored in your subconscious.

Endowed with the ability to be self-reflective, the self-conscious mind is extremely powerful. It can observe any programmed behavior you are engaged in, evaluate your behavior, and consciously decide to change your program.

Programmed behavior can come from almost anywhere. Once you accept the perceptions of others as “truths”, their perceptions become hardwired into your own brain. What if they are wrong? What if your teachers give you destructive programming? What if the news reports you get are slanted? Your subconscious works only in the “now”. Programmed misperceptions in your subconscious mind are not monitored and will habitually engage you in destructive and limiting behaviors. You can actively choose how to respond to most environmental signals and to control your beliefs. You can even choose to not respond at all. Your conscious mind’s capacity to override your subconscious mind’s preprogrammed behaviors is the foundation of free will.

Dr. Lipton concludes that beliefs control biology.

The placebo effect is actually a perception or a belief effect. The history of medicine is largely the history of the placebo effect. Arthritic knees are one example. In one study, the placebo effect (fake surgery) improved patients just as much as the other two groups who received surgery. In more than half the clinical trials for the six leading antidepressants, the drugs did not outperform sugar pills. There are thousands of other examples.

When the mind, through positive suggestion improves health, it is referred to as this placebo effect. Conversely, when the same mind is engaged in negative suggestions that can damage health, the negative effects are referred to as the nocebo effect. Doctors’ words and actions can trigger both. You can live or die because you believe you will live or die, and doctors can be responsible for their patients’ recovery or even their death by the messages they communicate to them.

The messages you receive, the messages that reach your cells are the key. You are the gate keeper. To thrive, you need to actively seek a joyful, loving and fulfilling life that stimulates growth. Examine how your fears and the ensuing protection behaviors impact your life. Are any fears stunting your growth? Where did they come from? Are they necessary? Real? Are they contributing to a full life, or are they shortening it?

You can change long-standing limiting beliefs in a matte of minutes. Read Biology of Belief to learn more about the cure all we were born with but too often use in reverse.
